Saturday, September 7, 2019

Par le Pouvoir du Saint-Esprit

  I'm hearing from other Missionary Moms I've met online who have sons and daughters serving with Jordan, that these missionaries, who have now been at the MTC for 2 1/2 weeks, are tired. I've even seen pictures posted of missionaries sleeping wherever they can when they get a second to close their eyes! Although Jordan hasn't mentioned to me about being tired, I'm guessing by this time they are feeling the effects of their rigorous schedules and constant learning and information overload. I am so humbled and amazed by the willingness of these young people, at such a prime time of their lives,  to put their lives on hold and fully immerse themselves, so enthusiastically and completely, into learning the Gospel of Jesus Christ more fully, going all over the world, learning new languages and cultures, to serve and teach people that they don't yet know, but already love - because they understand that we are all God's children. Jordan said it so perfectly in his farewell talk, through tear filled eyes and a shaky voice from the Spirit that was filling his heart, when he said that he was leaving his family for two years, so that others could be with theirs for Eternity <3

  Jordan had the opportunity to welcome incoming missionaries as they arrived to the MTC this past week, just two weeks exactly after he himself was the one arriving! One of the new missionary's moms posted this picture online that she took when she dropped off her son:

It was so fun to see this! What a sweet story :)

Here's Jordan's email this week!

Par le Pouvoir du Saint-Esprit
(By the Power of the Holy Spirit)

Salut! This week, I have really seen a lot of improvement in my French. We have taught many lessons in French, and with each one I am able to understand more of the person's needs and rely on the Spirit to help me know what to say without focusing too much on trying to formulate French sentences. It's really powerful to be able to just focus on loving the person, listening fully to them without thinking of anything else, and then just knowing what to say to help them. Needless to say our French isn't anywhere near perfect, but we are able to speak with power and authority from the Spirit, which is the most important thing. The Spirit teaches what we cannot.

"The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." - President Russell M. Nelson

I personally testify that this is true. No matter what our lives may look like, no matter what situations we find ourselves in, I know that we can choose to either learn how it can change us for the better, or let it change us for the worse. We can allow the Spirit to teach us, or we can complain and ruin what the Lord had planned for us. REMEMBER: Who left their wealth in Jerusalem and traveled three days in the wilderness because their father ? Who then returned to Jerusalem and tried and failed twice to obtain the Brass Plates from Laban, only to return a third time to successfully complete the mission? Who then lived in the wilderness for eight years, with no witness of why this was to be? Who then helped to build a boat (which they did not know how to do) to travel to a place that they did not know existed? Who witnessed angels who testified to them of the truth? Brothers and sisters, this is the story of Laman and Lemuel. The only difference between their story and the story of their brother Nephi is that they complained and murmured the whole time and did not allow the Spirit to have a place in them, while Nephi trusted in God and desired to know the things that were right. We can all be Laman's and Lemuel's, or we can choose to be Nephi's.

I testify that we have a prophet on the earth today just as there always has been on the earth, and his name is Russell M. Nelson. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that if you are willing to read it and pray with all sincerity that it is true, being willing to give all you have to find out the truth, you will know by the power of the Holy Spirit that it is true and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth.

I love you all.

Elder King

 And pictures! No explanations this time, but I'm guessing he is enjoying the summer storms in Utah!
Also, I really need to ask him about the random cat who has now appeared twice - haha!

Jordan's district, obviously on P-day since they're not dressed up!

Tahiti flag!

   Of course we loved it when Jordan video chatted us again on Friday P-day! This time I had his girlfriend Emma in the car with me! It was so fun for them to be able to see each other and chat! Emma leaves to serve a mission in Brazil in just a week and a half, so it was a special thing that she could be there with me. 

I just LOVE seeing his happy face!

 Some of the moms of the missionaries in Jordan's district posted pictures that included Jordan! 

Jordan's district. They will all be serving French speaking missions, but not all in Tahiti. 

This is the group of the Missionaries called to serve in Tahiti, who arrived at the MTC the same day - Aug 21, and will go to Tahiti together on Oct. 21. 

  I love the stats another Missionary Mom I've connected with posted. Her son is in this picture as well - preparing to serve in Tahiti together with Jordan. She said:

There are over 65,000 full time Missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world. In the Tahiti Papeete Mission (which includes it's 114 surrounding islands), where Jordan was called, there are 150 of those Missionaries. On October 21, 2019 these 14 Missionaries will be the newest ones to arrive in Tahiti and serve the people there!

 Pretty exciting! 


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