In Jordan's last email I posted, he sent a picture of Tahiti from a boat on his way there to go to Zone Conference. Zone Conference is where all of the missionaries in a zone (several areas combined) get together with the Mission President, Brother Fox, and his wife and have a conference.
The Mission Presidents wife, Sister Fox, is really great at taking pictures of all the missionaries at Zone Conferences and posting them on the private Tahiti Mission Facebook page! I didn't even know Jordan was having Zone Conference, but I saw that Sister Fox posted a bunch of pictures, and I found Jordan!! I was so excited! He looks so happy and so good!
I have to share the pictures with you because I just LOVE them! :)
Glad to see Jordan singing
I'm always so interested to see what they're eating, haha!
Jordan's towards the back in this picture
All of the missionaries in the whole zone! Which includes Tahiti and Moorea.
President and Sister Fox are sitting in the middle, and Jordan is 3rd row up towards the right side.
These are the Missionaries serving in Moorea! They had matching ties and dresses made - so fun!

The Elders from Moorea
Jordan and his companion
And a closer look at that face :)
It's so good to see him looking so happy! And he has definitely gotten more tan, haha! I just love seeing him doing so well - he's beaming! And I'm so grateful to Sister Fox for taking good care of the missionaries there, and posting lots of pictures for their moms :)
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