Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Bananas Strike Back

Jordan had a situation with some bananas this week....he was given a big bag of bananas (he said like 30 bananas!), which he was trying to bike home with (haha), and ended up crashing ...twice! He landed on the bananas the first time, squishing all but 4 of them (hahaha) but they cushioned his fall nicely! So he left the squished bananas on the side of the road and continued home with the 4 good bananas in the bag. Then when the bag got caught in his spokes, he flew off his bike, bruising his shoulder and ribs on one side, and scratching the palm of one hand, but nothing major. He's laughing about it now - thankfully!! 

Here's Jordan's email from this week:

A Word of Counsel: Do not bike with an extremely heavy bag of bananas hanging on your handlebar. It's possible that you could lose control and fall off your bike, and then get back on and five minutes later, the bag could theoretically get caught in your wheel and make you fall off your bike again. Theoretically ;)

We've been teaching a lot about the Restoration of the Gospel and Church of Jesus Christ this week to help members prepare for the General Conference this April. The prophet has said that each individual and family needs to prepare themselves for this upcoming conference by reading the account of the First Vision found in Joseph Smith--History, as well as by thinking of what your life would be like without the Book of Mormon. I am so incredibly grateful for the knowledge that I have because of Restored Truth through the Book of Mormon and modern-day prophets, and for the joy and peace and direction I have in my life because of it. I hope you will all do what you can to prepare for this next Conference too, including praying to know if the Book of Mormon is true or not, or even praying for a strengthened testimony if you have already received your response. If there are prophets on the earth today, we must know! It is absolutely imperative to know and listen to what they say. Just like Moses for the ancient Israelites, the prophets of today lead the Lord's people out of the hands of destruction and into the promised land. If we listen to them, we will not be led astray. We will find so much more joy and peace in our life and with our family, and we will know how to obtain all of the blessings that God wants for us in this life and in the life to come. Listen to the words of the prophets. God has never closed the heavens. The heavens have only ever been closed by men and their unbelief. God has always been willing to give revelation to those who are willing to receive it. For those who want to listen, there will be a General Conference broadcast on TV and the first weekend of April where we will hear the prophets and apostles of God speak to us. What in incredible opportunity--I can't think of anything more important. All of their words from years past are available on .

I love you all and think about you and pray for your well being more than you know :)

Elder King

He also said in a separate email:

I also got the Dengue again this week (second time's the charm), but it wasn't too bad. My companions gave me a priesthood blessing and it passed really quickly. Dengue mosquito.

He didn't send an email last week, but we got to have a short chat and he told me he had a bad headache and felt like maybe he had gotten The Dengue (pronounced Dang) Fever again. He told me in our video chat this week that he did end up getting it and he mostly just slept the beginning of the week. He recovered quicker than last time though, and got out on his bike again - and that's when the banana incident happened...
He seems happier than he has in a while when we chatted with him though! It was such a great chat and so good to see him laughing and joking and so happy :) 

I just love that boy of mine so! 

1 comment:

  1. I've never tangled with bananas. Sounds interesting......and dangerous!!! Sorry about that Dang fever! Love you tons
